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Lance Harris
3 1/2 months old at diagnosis
Lone Rock, WI USA
Richland Center Hospital, American Family Children's Hospital of Madison, WI

We first had issues with Lance not being able to eat and breathe at the same time. For about a week and a half and Lance continued to get worse until we were med-flighted to the American Family Children’s Hospital where we waited three more days with no improvement so they did an MRI. The results of the MRI were shocking since they found a tumor pushing on his lung and wrapping around his spinal cord. They did surgery to remove what they could of they tumor and then we started on a study involving 4 rounds of chemo then an assessment. After the biopsy results and mibg scan they had determined that there would actually need to be 8 rounds of chemo. The 8 rounds of chemo took care of the remaining tumor. He was paralyzed from his nipple line down because the tumor was pushing on his spine. He is now 17 months old and is in and out of the hospital due to paralysis and weak stomach muscles increasing his chances of getting colds/respiratory infections as he can not cough the fluid out as efficiently. He gets pneumonia as well as other respiratory related infections frequently which bring his oxygen levels down enough to have him admitted to the hospital. Lance’s Neuroblastoma has also affected his eye which they call Horner Syndrome which means his left pupil is permanently smaller and it is weaker than normal. Lance now has a wheelchair and is learning how to get around on his own.

Lance enjoys his freedom and independence that he is gaining with his new wheelchair. He loves Mickey Mouse and other toys that you can pull apart and put back together. He loves to play with balloons and balls and even calls for them by name shouting “ball” when he sees one he wants to play with.